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Articles - Automation

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Title: Global Adhesive Tape Market To Witness 5% Growth in CAGR between 2019-24
Summary: According to the last study done on the global adhesive tapes market, the period 2017-2022 is expected to see a 6.68% growth in CAGR. Although the global market has responded well to the new key additions to the range of products in the adhesive segment, the Indian market is slowly moving toward the use of these new products.
Company/Institute Name: Ajit Industries
Name of Author: ENE Finder
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Title: EtherCAT Technology Group welcomes 4000th member
Summary: Recently, the EtherCAT Technology Group (ETG) welcomed its 4,000th member into the organization. The official tribute to KOCH Pac-Systeme GmbH, a supplier of advanced packaging machinery equipped with EtherCAT and EtherCAT P, took place in the frame of the SPS IPC Drives 2016 trade fair in Nuremberg, Germany.
Company/Institute Name: Beckhoff Automation Pvt Ltd
Name of Author: ETG
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Title: EK9160 for cloud-based control
Summary: The EK9160 IoT Bus Coupler transmits all control data simply, safely and costeffectively to all common cloud systems in plug-and-play mode. Cloud services and security functions used.The EK9160 establishes a direct connection without any special control program between Beckhoff EtherCAT I/O and the Internet of Things (IoT). As a result, the coupler enables simple and standardised integration of I/O data with cloud-based communication and data services.
Company/Institute Name: Beckhoff Automation Pvt Ltd
Name of Author: Ajey Phatak
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Title: EL3751 multi-function terminal:
Summary: high-precision EtherCAT Terminal EL3751 At 10,000 samples per second, a measurement accuracy of ±0.01 % and 24 bit resolution, the EL3751 provides high-end measurement technology as part of the standard I/O long-term stability, flexible filter configurations (e.g. band stop), and extensive parameterisation options for the analog input which supports the measurement functions U, I, R, DMS (strain gauge) and RTD.
Company/Institute Name: Beckhoff Automation Pvt Ltd
Name of Author: Ajey Phatak
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Title: New Beckhoff "Azure™ Certified" I/O modules
Summary: New Beckhoff "Azure™ Certified" I/O modules provide direct connectivity to the Microsoft cloud
Company/Institute Name: Beckhoff Automation Pvt Ltd
Name of Author: Ajey Phatak
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Title: Hannover Messe 2016: Beckhoff presents at SAP booth global standards for the smart factory
Summary: Hannover Messe 2016 presents a special exhibit at SAP booth - the integration of manufacturing with a production line. The SAP Manufacturing Execution Suite communicates directly with the XTS on the basis of standardised services acting as an interface between different “order processing languages” the TwinCAT software connects the machine and a SAP system. The order processing communication, which is based on the service-oriented architecture (SOA) concept, is realised with OPC UA.
Company/Institute Name: Beckhoff Automation Pvt Ltd
Name of Author: MarCom
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Title: Beckhoff at Hannover Messe: Hall 9, Booth F06
Summary: Experience ‘Integrated Industry’ now: With ready-to-use products for IoT and Industrie 4.0 from Beckhoff.
Company/Institute Name: Beckhoff Automation Pvt Ltd
Name of Author: MarCom
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